
What Makes a Good Multi-tenant Kubernetes Solution

Building High-Performance Cloud Native Pod Networks

AWS picks Cilium for Networking & Security on EKS Anywhere

Bell uses Cilium and eBPF for telco networking

Building a Secure and Maintainable PaaS

Cloud Native Networking with eBPF

Datadog is using Cilium in AWS (self-hosted k8s)

Managed Kubernetes: 1.5 Years of Cilium Usage at DigitalOcean

ect888 uses Cilium as their CNI and for load balancing

Form3 is using Cilium in their production clusters (self-hosted, bare-metal, private cloud)

Kubernetes Network Policies in Action with Cilium

Google chooses Cilium for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) networking

Home furnishings retailer uses Cilium for their self-hosted bare-metal private cloud

Scaling a Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Clusters in a Telco

Meltwater is using Cilium in AWS on self-hosted multi-tenant k8s clusters as the CNI plugin

Mobilabs uses Cilium as the CNI for their internal cloud

Nexxiot using Cilium as the CNI plugin on EKS for its IoT SaaS

PostFinance is using Cilium as their CNI for all mission critical, on premise k8s clusters

S&P Global uses Cilium as its CNI uses Cilium for Layer 4 Load Balancing with XDP

eBPF & Cilium at Sky

Skybet uses Cilium as their CNI

The New York Times uses Cilium on EKS for multi-region multi-tenant shared clusters uses Cilium both on premise and in AWS

Uswitch uses Cilium Clustermesh for multi cluster networking

Utmost is using Cilium in all tiers of its Kubernetes ecosystem to implement zero trust networking

VSHN uses Cilium for multi-tenant networking on APPUiO Cloud

Building a Global Multi Cluster Gaming Infrastructure with Cilium

Deploy on your preferred cloud

Use your favorite Kubernetes distribution

Cilium is everywhere

AccuKnox uses Cilium for network visibility and network policy enforcement

Acoss uses Cilium as their main CNI plugin for self hosted Kubernetes

ArangoDB Oasis uses Cilium to separate database deployments in a multi-tenant cloud environment

Ayedo builds and operates cloud native platforms using Cilium

ByteDance uses Cilium as their CNI for self-hosted Kubernetes clusters

Canonical's Kubernetes distribution microk8s uses Cilium as CNI plugin

Civo is offering Cilium as the CNI option for Civo users to choose it for their Civo Kubernetes clusters

Cognite uses Cilium as the CNI plugin for industrial DataOps

Edgeless Systems uses Cilium as the CNI for their Kubernetes Distribution

Elastic Path uses Cilium in their production CloudOps Kubernetes clusters

F5 uses Cilium VXLAN tunnel integration with BIG-IP

finleap connect uses Cilium on a bare metal private cloud

Giant Swarm uses Cilium as the CNI in their Cluster API based managed Kubernetes service

Immerok uses Cilium for cross-cluster communication and network isolation for their serverless Apache Flink cloud

Infomaniak uses Cilium in self-hosted clusters on bare-metal and Openstack

innoQ uses Cilium to run their customer’s infrastructure

Cilium is the platform that powers Isovalent’s enterprise networking, observability, and security solutions

JUMO uses Cilium as the CNI plugin for all of their AWS-hosted EKS clusters

Kryptos uses Cilium as the CNI for their on-prem Kubernetes clusters

Kube-OVN uses Cilium to enhance the CNI service performance, security and monitoring

Kubermatic uses Cilium as the CNI for its Kubernetes installer and platform

KubeKey is an open-source lightweight tool for deploying Kubernetes clusters and addons

Liquid Reply is a consulting firm that uses Cilium in client projects

Magic Leap uses Hubble for observability

Melenion uses Cilium as the CNI for its on-premise production clusters

Mux uses Cilium on self-hosted clusters in GCP and AWS to run its video streaming/analytics platforms

MyFitnessPal trusts Cilium with high volume user traffic on AWS and GKE

Northflank uses Cilium as its CNI plugin across GCP, Azure, AWS and bare metal

Overstock uses Cilium as their CNI for self hosted bar metal clusters

Palantir is using Cilium as their main CNI plugin in AWS (self hosted k8s)

Plaid uses Cilium as the CNI for its serverless database platform

PlanetScale uses Cilium as their CNI plugin in self-hosted Kubernetes on AWS

Radio France uses Cilium in their self hosted clusters on AWS

Rapyuta Robotics uses Cilium as their main CNI plugin for self hosted clusters

SAP uses Cilium for projects across AWS, Azure, GCP, and OpenStack

Sapian uses Cilium as the default CNI in their product DialBox Cloud for low latency in real-time communications environments on the edge

Scaleway uses Cilium as the default CNI for Kubernetes Kapsule

Schuberg Philis uses Cilium as the CNI for mission critical Kubernetes clusters they run for their customers

Simple uses Cilium as default CNI for EKS

SmileDirectClub uses Cilium in self hosted clusters vSphere and EC2 for manufacturing

Snapp uses Cilium for its on premise Openshift clusters

Cilium is part of’s Gloo Application Networking platform

Spherity uses Cilium on AWS EKS for CNI, Hubble, and network policies

Sportradar is using Cilium as their main CNI plugin in AWS (using kops)

Sproutfi uses Cilium as the CNI on its GKE based clusters

Superorbital uses Cilium in their customer engagements

Tailor Brands uses Cilium in their EKS clusters

TSI uses Cilium for it's Open Sovereign Cloud product

ungleich uses Cilium for IPv6-only Kubernetes deployments

Yahoo is using Cilium for L4 North-South Load Balancing for Kubernetes Services

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