Cilium Brand Guidelines

Do you want to help grow the buzz around Cilium? We’ve created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content, and trademarks

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Cilium Logo

Our logo is in the shape of a honeycomb to represent the Cilium hive.
Please use use it correctly and help us grow the community.

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Light background

Dark background

Full logo

Our logo is the combination of a simple wordmark and the icon. When using the logo with other logos and graphic elements, please, observe the clean space around the logo to maximize visual effectiveness.

Cilium logo
Cilium icon

Cilium icon

Our icon is our identifying mark that doesn't contain the name. The icon should only be used in cases where it is required (traditionally constrained to a perfect square or circle). In all other cases, use the logo.

Cilium Colors

You can use the colors of the website to create partner materials.
Please note that the colors for the logo are highlighted separately.

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Logo colors

HEX - 141A1FRGB - 20,26,31HSL - 210,20,10
HEX - 6B91C7RGB - 107,145,199HSL - 215,45,65
HEX - 795AA5RGB - 121,90,165HSL - 265,30,50
HEX - E83030RGB - 232,48,48HSL - 360,80,55
HEX - F17423RGB - 241,116,35HSL - 24,88,54
HEX - F9C31FRGB - 249,195,31HSL - 45,95,55
HEX - 97C639RGB - 151,198,57HSL - 80,55,50
HEX - C9DB70RGB - 201,219,112HSL - 70,60,65

Website colors

HEX - 0073E5RGB - 0,115,229HSL - 210,100,45
HEX - EB4748RGB - 235,71,72HSL - 360,80,60
HEX - 00877CRGB - 0,135,124HSL - 175,100,26
HEX - FFBF00RGB - 255,191,0HSL - 45,100,50
HEX - D6EBFFRGB - 214,235,255HSL - 210,100,92
HEX - FBDADARGB - 251,218,218HSL - 360,80,92
HEX - D6FFFCRGB - 214,255,252HSL - 176,100,92
HEX - FFF5D6RGB - 255,245,214HSL - 45,100,92
HEX - 141A1FRGB - 20,26,31HSL - 210,20,10
HEX - 6C7993RGB - 108,121,147HSL - 220,15,50
HEX - A7B1BERGB - 167,177,190HSL - 215,15,70
HEX - D1D7E0RGB - 209,215,224HSL - 215,20,85
HEX - E0E5EBRGB - 224,229,235HSL - 215,20,90
HEX - F0F2F4RGB - 240,242,244HSL - 215,15,95
HEX - F6F7F8RGB - 246,247,248HSL - 215,15,97